About us / o Nás

Our love with animals and mainly with dogs brought us to the conviction, that our family would miss something without a four-legged family member.

 Ever since we were young, we kept company with different breeds of dogs, while each of them was interesting in a different way. But then comes the time to make a decision about our family sweetheart, and we wanted to choose the best. The main focus in this decision was coexistence with kids, home comfort, active outdoor activities, fur care, dog´s size. A lot of different breeds were in scope of this specifics, but the most attractive for us from the character, appearance, and charm point of view was whippet. We felt in love with whippet so much and we have chosen to be deeply involved in this breed not only as owners and friends of these dogs, but also as breeders and we founded kennel station with the intention to breed these noble individualities.


To get more information about this awesome breed please visit the whippet section.




Láska k zvieratám a najmä k psíkom nás priviedla k presvedčeniu, že bez štvornohého člena, by rodine niečo chýbalo. 

Od malička sme žili s rôznymi druhmi plemien, pričom každé je niečím zaujíme a osobité. Prišiel však čas na výber nášho rodinného miláčika, pričom sme chceli vybrať čo najlepšie. Dôraz pri výbere sme kládli na spolunažívanie s deťmi, pohodu domova, šantenie a pohyb vonku, starostlivosť o srsť, veľkosť psíka. Špecifickými podmienkami prešlo viacero plemien, avšak najvaic nám svojou povahou, vzhľadom, šarmom učarovalo plemeno vipet. Natoľko sme sa do vipetov zamilovali, že sme sa rozhodli ďalej rozvíjať nie len ako majitelia a priatelia psíkov, ale aj ako chovatelia a založili sme chovnú stanicu za účelom chovať ušlachtilých jedincov.


 Viac o tomto úžasnom plemene sa môžte dozvedieť v sekcii Vipet.




Kennel G Purple


Štefánikova 726/6
905 01 Senica
Slovak Republic

+421 944 240 744



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